Equity, Health and Human Development
La Habana, Cuba
Meeting of PAHO/WHO
April 24-27
Juan Antonio Casas
Division of Health and Human Development
Concepts of Equity and Health
Determinants of Health Inequities
Dimensions of Health Inequity in LAC
Health Equity and IT in Knowledge Societies
Ethics, IT and Health Equity
¿Qué es la Equidad?
Del lat.aequitas, atis<aequus=igual
1. Ecuanimidad, trato justo
2. Tendencia a dejarse llevar por los dictados de la conciencia o del
deber mas que por el rigor de la justicia o de la ley
3. Accion de llevar a cabo un reparto justo y proporcional a las necesidades
de los individuos que intervienen en el
4. Justicia natural
Sin. Justicia, imparcialidad
Ant. Parcialidad.
What is Equity?
Justice according to natural law or right;
specifically: freedom from bias or favoritism.
-Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary
The state, ideal, or quality of being just,
impartial and fair.
-American Heritage Dictionary
Social Equity
- Growth with poverty reduction
- Internal savings
- Human capital
- Technological development
- Social capital
- Governability/governance
Social Inequities
In income
In control of resources and goods
In access to credit
In access to services
In functional capability (A. Sen)
- Health, education, nutrition
Inequality and Poverty in LAC
Poverty levels are four times that
of other regions with similar GDP.
Income concentration is increasing
Poverty rates have not improved,
in some cases worsened, since 1980
Urbanization of poverty
Growth of informal sector of the
98% of connectivity limited to 20%
highest income group
Increasing income concentration in
Latin America
Definition of Health Inequities Applied to Health Conditions
Disparities in health that are unnecessary,
avoidable and unfair
- Risk behavior in which free choice is limited
- Exposure to unhealthy living and working conditions
- Inadequate access to health services and other basic services
- Social mobility due to illness (natural selection)
- Not linked to natural biological variances, freely chosen behaviors,
nor to transient advantages of a certain group
Criterios para Identificar las Inequidades en
Las disparidades deben ser:
- Científica-técnica,
- financiera y
- moralmente.
Con Agente Responsable
- culpable O
- con capacidad de intervención
Macrodeterminant factors of health disparities in Latin America
Social Class
- due to income, education, occupation
Cumulative mortality 1-4 years of age, per birth weight and family income,
Southern Brazil, 1982-1987
Strategic Areas for Technical Cooperation on Equity
and Health
- Tools for program management and monitoring equity targets
Increasing health system responsiveness
- Improving adequacy for poor and vulnerable
Focusing on broader determinants
of health and intersectoral actions
Better advocacy for health equity
- Mobilizing civil society and other development partners
Identification and dissemination
of best practices
Reducing the social and digital
divide in health information
Health inequities and the new IT technologies
- Impact on general health determinants: changes in economic, social,
cultural and political relations (globalization)
- Redefinition of the concept of community: creation
of virtual communities (social capital)
- Strengthening participation of poor in decision making
process ("empowerment")
The changing digital divide...
- The world produces two exabytes of information a year, i.e.
o A Billion Billion bytes or
o the equivalent of 20 billion copies of a magazine
- 1 of every 8 persons in Latin America will have regular
access to the Internet by 2003, compared to 1 in six in the OECD countries
- There are more internet hosts in Finland than in
all of Latin America
Essential Elements of the Knowledge Society
Human capital - literacy, technologically
skilled workforce, R&D capacity
Information infrastructure - connectivity,
hardware, software
Policy/regulatory frameworks, institutions,
incentives for national innovation and open business environment
Financing - for improvement of public
services, connecting the poor, growing private enterprises
Capacity Building by
- addressing economic, social, political and institutional inequalities
which prevent the poor and disadvantaged groups from having access to
and influence over policies and interventions which in turn influence
their lives
Capacity Building by
- addressing the risk and vulnerability which poor nations will increasingly
face in the global economy, and which the poor in poor nations have
always faced and which traps them into poverty
Capacity Building by
- putting in place the conditions for investment and sustainable economic
expansion in which the poor participate fully, and which will not degrade
the environment or increase risk and vulnerability.
The Knowledge Society: How Can It Relate to Increased Equity?
Poor and vulnerable people empowered
through greater connectivity, knowledge-sharing, transparency: closing
the digital divide
Increased generation, sharing, and
local adaptation of knowledge - engine of sustainable development
Higher-quality public services
Vibrant economy rapidly expanding
incomes and employment, reducing poverty
New opportunities for developing
countries to be globally competitive
We can address BOTH the Challenges of:
l Reducing health inequities
l Narrowing the digital divide
By preparing citizens and health information infrastructure
for the Knowledge Society
Towards an Ethical Framework for an Information based
Global Society
"Just as poor countries are removing the shackles of a colonialism
which thrived on the exploitation of their agriculture and raw materials,
so they are threatened by a new colonialism, based on control of technology
deployment and global communications.."
(Glastonbury, LaMendola, The Integrity of Intelligence:a Bill of Rights
for the Information Age, 1992)
Information and Human Rights
The Millenium Assembly of 2000 established
the universal access to information and communication services as a
basic human right
Global initiative
to provide access to the Internet through community access points for
all the world population by 2004
Chile, Costa Rica,
Argentina, Brazil e-government initiatives
Strategy for Ethical IT Development
Change IT concept from set of products
and services to paradigm of social development
Assess potential contribution to
social goals and historical/cultural and ethical factors
Potential impact on democratic principles
and individual freedom
Scrutiny regarding impact on inequities
and forms of discrimination
"Today's discussions of knowledge societies emphasize the need
to harness ICTs for development by enabling their use for empowering
the poor and for scientific and technical capacity building that is
consistent with development goals. The new technologies can be implemented
to support democratic decision-making, more effective governance and
lifelong learning"
Knowledge Societies: Information Technology for Sustainable Development
UNCSTD, 1998
network of health TSI sources operated by community of producers, intermediaries
and consumers of TSI in the Americas
Average Years of Education for 25 Year-olds
by Income Level in Latin America
NIH Strategic Plan to Eliminate Health Disparities (2000)
Public Information and Community Outreach
Develop Research-based Information Resources
Communicate research-based information to increase public awareness
Transfer knowledge to health care providers
Hispanic Communications Initiative
Internet-based Information Resources
Prevention research clearinghouses
Use of Web-based Information
Science for the lay public
Community population and environmental health information
Public Input/policy on Genetic Research
Behavioral and social sciences and communications