homepage CRICS V
Grupo 6 VHL Science for Health
Room 7


  Responsable Alberto Pelegrini pellegri@paho.org

The VHL/Science and Health is part of PAHO's technical cooperation strategy on research known as DECIDES (Democratizing the Knowledge and the Information for the Right to Health), which, taking advantage of the opportunities opened by the new technologies of communication and information, aims to expand the participation of various social actors in the production/dissemination/utilization of knowledge and information in order to able them to take a proactive attitude in the construction of their individual and collective health.

DECIDES seeks to multiply interactions and collaboration between researchers, health professionals, decision-makers, citizens, journalists, politicians, and other actors, particularly in these three components:

• Interactive Agenda of Health Research (AGENDA): It promotes the interaction between various actors for the formulation and implementation of an agenda of research that responds to priority problems of health;

• Network of Exchange of Researchers (REDIISAL): It promotes the formation and the exchange of researchers in health through the strengthening of collaboration mechanisms among the countries of the Region;

• Application of research findings for decision-making (APLICA): It facilitates for citizens and decision-makers the access to the information and knowledge necessary for the definition and implementation of health policies and programs.

The VHL/Science and Health is one of the most important tools for the development of these three components of DECIDES. It is the technological platform and common virtual space where they are developed. The VHL/Science and Health also has a horizontal character, supporting other VHL either thematic or country based. It contains methodologies and instruments for the development of the research component of those other VHL, as well as databases and information on researchers, institutions and research projects in the various scientific areas and disciplines.

The VHL/Science and Health contains elements of information and services similar to the other VHL and includes three specific components that will be subject to discussion in the Working Group to be carried out on April 22 and 24, 2001. These three components are: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers in Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (CVLACS), Databases for Management of S&T in Health and Methodologies and Instruments for Scientific Dissemination.  

  Objectives and Expected Results

The Working Group (WG) is organized around the three specific components of the VHL/Science and Health already indicated. For each of these components it is expected that the WG facilitates:

- Review of the existing progress in the design and implementation of the component;

- Critical analysis of sites already existing on the Internet related to these components;

- Work plan for the immediate future, including division of labor and responsibilities among the participating institutions;

- Identification of strategies to mobilize the support and involvement of National Research Councils in the construction of the BVS/Science and Health.

  Agenda and Dynamics The WG will be integrated by PAHO's staff members and members of other institutions involved in the development of the various components of the VHL, as well as, representatives of the CONICITS of some selected countries. For each component there will be a brief presentation on the state of progress and prospects for their development. This presentation will be followed by a debate initiated by selected representatives of CONICITs and subsequently opened to other participants of the WG. There will be a presentation and discussion of SHARED to analyze the potential of this technology to support the development of the various components of the VHL/Science and Health.
Meeting Room Hotel El Palco    
Luncheon (Restaurant Hotel Palco)    
Objectives of the Workshop
Conceptual aspects and strategies of
implementation DECIDES/BVS

Alberto Pellegrini, PAHO
Latin American and the Caribbean Curriculum in Health Sciences (CVLACS)
Conception and components of the CVLACS
Development of the Prototype and its phases

Rebecca de los Ríos, PAHO
Presentation of CVLACS-Brazil case
The Platform Lattes and its utilization as
management tool in science and technology

Gerson Galvão, CNPq-Brasil
Management in Science and Technology: Articulation of databases (CV-Lattes, Directory of Researchers, Scielo, MEDLINE, etc) and information Services oriented according to users's profiles
Paulo Henrique Santana, CNPq-Brazil, and
Roberto Pacheco, UFSC-Stela
Discussion of the Work Plan for the development of the Prototype of the CVLACS with the CONICYT's from countries invited to the pilot phase.
Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Mexico, Venezuela
Conclusions and recommendations  


Convention Palace  
Beginning of the II Regional Meeting on the Virtual Health Library  
Databases and information for S&T management already available in the Internet
Introduction. Alberto Pellegrini, PAHO
Analysis of current situation and principal conclusions. Jorge Walters, BIREME

Debate on the presented situation and discussion on the role of the CONCIYT's and other institutions. Initiators of the debate: Enrique Goldbard, CONACYT-Mexico and Gloria Inés Palma, Colciencias-Colombia.

Scientific dissemination in health in the countries of LAC through the Internet.
Introduction. Ulysses Panisset, PAHO

Analysis of current situation and principal conclusions.
part 1
part 2
Carolina Prieto, Consultant PAHO.

1download arquivo PowerPoint

2download arquivo PowerPoint
Debate on the presented situation and discussion on the role of the CONICYT's and other institutions. Initiators of the debate: Marta Rodriguez CONICIT-Venezuela and Eugenio Spencer CONICYT-Chile.  
Scientists for Health And REsearch for Development (SHARED)
Current and future developments.

Barend Mons
Demonstration of the potential and uses of SHARED
Debate on SHARED: the role of technical cooperation of PAHO/BIREME, CONICYTs and other Health Agencies.
Initiators of the Debate: Jorge Walters, BIREME and José Jardines INFOMED-Cuba
Conclusions and Recommendations of the Workshop  
  Invited Participants The participation in the WG is open to the interested parties. However, it should have a group of invited participants:

Gerson Galvão
CNPq - Brazil

Barend Mons
SHARED - Netherlands

Paulo Henrique Santana
CNPq - Brazil

Agnes Soares da Silva
SHARED - Netherlands

Roberto Pacheco
UFSC-Stela - Brazil

Martin Schmidt
SHARED - Netherlands

Marta Rodriguez
CONICIT - Venezuela

Carolina Prieto
Consultant PAHO

Enrique Spencer

Alberto Pellegrini

Enrique Goldberg
CONACYT - Mexico

Ulysses Panisset

Gloria Inés Palma
Colciencias - Colombia

Rebecca de los Ríos

Adolfo Blanco
Ministry of Health - Cuba

Susanna Stephens

José Jardines

Yun Jen

Pedro Urra

Mario Pichardo

Francisco Morales
Upper Institute of Medical Sciences - Cuba

Jorge Walters

Gilda Marquina
Molecular Immunology Institute - Cuba

Sacha Sidjansky

María Amparo Pascual


 Working Groups