The VHL/Science and Health is part of PAHO's technical cooperation
strategy on research known as DECIDES (Democratizing the Knowledge
and the Information for the Right to Health), which, taking
advantage of the opportunities opened by the new technologies
of communication and information, aims to expand the participation
of various social actors in the production/dissemination/utilization
of knowledge and information in order to able them to take a
proactive attitude in the construction of their individual and
collective health.
DECIDES seeks to multiply interactions and collaboration between
researchers, health professionals, decision-makers, citizens,
journalists, politicians, and other actors, particularly in
these three components:
Interactive Agenda of Health Research (AGENDA): It
promotes the interaction between various actors for the formulation
and implementation of an agenda of research that responds to
priority problems of health;
Network of Exchange of Researchers (REDIISAL): It promotes
the formation and the exchange of researchers in health through
the strengthening of collaboration mechanisms among the countries
of the Region;
Application of research findings for decision-making
(APLICA): It facilitates for citizens and decision-makers the
access to the information and knowledge necessary for the definition
and implementation of health policies and programs.
The VHL/Science and Health is one of the most important tools
for the development of these three components of DECIDES. It
is the technological platform and common virtual space where
they are developed. The VHL/Science and Health also has a horizontal
character, supporting other VHL either thematic or country based.
It contains methodologies and instruments for the development
of the research component of those other VHL, as well as databases
and information on researchers, institutions and research projects
in the various scientific areas and disciplines.
The VHL/Science and Health contains elements of information
and services similar to the other VHL and includes three specific
components that will be subject to discussion in the Working
Group to be carried out on April 22 and 24, 2001. These three
components are: Curriculum Vitae of Researchers in Health in
Latin America and the Caribbean (CVLACS), Databases for Management
of S&T in Health and Methodologies and Instruments for Scientific