homepage CRICS V
Group 2 VHL Equity and Human Development
Room 6


  Responsible América Valdés valdesam@paho.org
  Objective The working session will focus and discuss the development of the Virtual Health Library on Equity and Human Development by a collaborative effort between HDP-Division/BIREME/PAHO/WHO and the Countries of the Latin America and the Caribbean:
  • coordination and development of national and international networks;
  • dissemination of information - highlighting events, news, courses, journals, programs and activities that address health equity issues, and a database of "gray literature;"
  • providing the development of methodologies and tools for analysis, design, implementation (policy-making) and monitoring of equity at country levels;
  • enhancement of mechanisms to coordinate governments and agencies and to facilitate information exchange on Equity, Health and Human Development; and
  • improving knowledge base on Equity and Human Development in Latin American and the Caribbean
  Target Public Health Institution. CNN, PAHO Consultants in the equity and health theme

Virtual Health Library - Equity and Human Development


Welcome and Overview
Juan Antonio Casas, Director HDP/PAHO/WHO
Proposed framework. Regional VHL- Equity and Human Development
Moderator: Juan Antonio Casas, HDP/PAHO/WHO
Presenters: America Valdés PAHO/WHO
Ana Lucia Ruggiero PAHO/WHO
BVS - Equity and Human Development: Argentina's Proposal
Moderator: Juan Antonio Casas, HDP/PAHO/WHO
Presenters: Jose Paganini, SAES/Argentina
Catty Ianello, PAHO/WHO, Argentina
Comments and Proposals
Moderator: Juan Antonio Casas,HDP/PAHO/WHO
Coffee break    
Roundtable - Formal establishment of the Advisory Committee for the Regional
VHL-Equity and Human Development

Development of a work plan: Revision of issues related to the functions, products and services of the Regional VHL-Equity and Human Development, and the context and localization of their components
Moderator: Juan Antonio Casas, HDP/PAHO/WHO

Argentina - José María Paganini, Sociedad Argentina de Equidad en Salud, SAES

Bolivia- Fernando Lavadenz, Director General de Servicios de Salud. Ministerio de Salud y Previsión Social.

Brasil- Paulo Buss, FIOCRUZ

Cuba- Francisco Rojas Ochoa. Sociedad Cubana de Salud Pública
Miguel Angel Márquez, Sociedad Cubana de Salud Pública

Colombia, John Flores, Director de la Escuela de Salud Pública de Medellín

Costa Rica-Alcira Castillo, Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Salud Pública
Juan Carlos Sánchez. Gerente de Modernización de la Caja Costarrisense

Chile- Giorgio Solimano, Escuela de Salud Pública, Universidad de Chile

Ecuador- César Hermida, Director Ejecutivo, AFEME

México- Jaime Sepúlveda, Instituto de Salud Pública, INSP

United States- Paula Braveman, University of California
Mario Hernández, Asociación Latinoamericana de Medicina Social. ALAMES

Organización Panamerican de la Salud,
Juan Antonio Casas

Rockefeller Foundation, Timothy Evans
Site:Hotel Palco's restaurant
Conclusions of the Working Group: VHL-Equity and Human Development
Coffee break    
Exchange of experiences with other regions
Conclusions and recommendations  

 Working Groups