Group 1 |
VHL Health Legislation
Room 8 |
Responsible |
Bolis bolismon@paho.org |
Objectives |
To discuss the development
of the Virtual Library on Health Legislation as a collaborative
effort between the Division of Health and Development, BIREME,
INPPAZ, CEPIS and the countries of the Region, for the purpose
of contributing to knowledge base in health legislation
information in Region of the Americas, approve the Health
Legislation descriptors and develop partnerships and cooperation
strategies for health legislation information.
Target Public |
Institutions dedicated to the collection, classification
and distribution of health legislation.
Agenda |
Importance of Legal Information on the Internet:
Exploring the National and International Interrelationships
April 24, 2001
Welcome and Overview
Mónica Bolis, Regional
Health Legislation Advisor, Public Policy and Health Program,
Health and Human Development Division, PAHO/WHO
VHL Legislation: Latin
American Experience
Moderator: Cristiane
de Oliveira, BIREME/PAHO/WHO |
Presenters: Mónica Bolis,Asesora
Regional en Legislación de Salud, Programa de Políticas
Públicas y Salud, PAHO/WHO |
Bryce, Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering
and Environmental Science CEPIS/PAHO/WHO |
Marcelo D'Agostino, Pan
American Institute for Food Protection and Zoonoses INPPAZ/PAHO/WHO
Coffee |
DeCS – Legislation
Moderator: Elenice de
Castro, Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health
Science Information BIREME/PAHO/WHO |
Presenter: Sueli Dallari,
Center for Research and Study in Health Legislation
Discussants: Alicia Barnard,
Director Centro de Documentación Institucional, Mexico |
Zaida Sequeira, PAHO/WHO
Roundtable: Partnership
and Cooperation Strategies
Moderator: Diana Martinez,
Latin American Parliament |
Presenters: Rubens Medina,
Library of Congress of the United States |
Daniel Fraga, Executive
Secretariat, Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) |
Liz Nugent, Partnerships
for Health Reform
Designation of the
Advisory Board for VHL-Health Legislation
Moderator: Mónica
Bolis, Asesora Regional en Legislación de Salud, Programa
de Políticas Públicas y Salud, PAHO/WHO
Participants: Sueli
Dallari, Center for Research and Study in Health Legislation
Daniel Fraga, Executive
Secretariat, Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR)
Rubens Medina, Library
of Congress of the United States
América Valdes,
Health and Human Development Division, PAHO/WHO
Marcelo D'Agostino,
Conference Wrap-up:
Compromises and follow up
Moderators: Cristiane
de Oliveira, BIREME/PAHO/WHO
Gaby Caro, Documentation
Center, PAHO/WHO, Peru
and recommendations
Working Groups